Person controlling drone with tablet at a construction site with cranes and building in the background.

While some construction professionals are reluctant to adopt new methods of technology, it is becoming increasingly necessary to do so. Tech can help to keep projects on schedule and on budget, which is vital during a talent shortage.

Drones are incredibly useful on construction sites. Many professionals are finding this out for themselves as drone use in the construction industry has increased by nearly 240% in a single year.

So, what exactly can drones do for your construction business?

Application of Drones

While drones can be used by many people on a construction site, it is most likely that project managers, technology managers, and supers will be behind the controls.

These flying vehicles typically have cameras in them, which means that they provide a birds-eye view of a construction site. This can help with land surveying, project mapping, and planning. It can also give decision-makers regular updates and keep everyone informed about a build’s progress. With these insights, those in command of a site can catch pitfalls and mistakes before they balloon into a larger problem.

This information can also be used with various types of construction software. It is especially useful when combined with BIM, which maps and models entire builds in preconstruction. These types of software can also help with designs and workflows, all powered through drone data.

With sensors and cameras, drones can also track construction equipment and vehicles on a site. In the future, they may even be able to control that equipment through AI.

In addition to these options, drones can be used for risk mitigation, the bid process, and quality control and assurance.

Benefits of Drones

So, how do these uses for drones benefit your bottom line?

Through the surveying process, drones can save time and manpower while also mitigating human error. They can do the same with inspections and updates throughout the project. You can even program a drone to do regular flyovers and collect data on a weekly basis. This way, when stakeholders want information or have questions, the answers are already collected and available to you.

This tech also increases communication and surveillance, making sites safer all around. Drones can spot hazardous areas, or even complete work higher up. This can reduce the rate of accidents, especially falls.

In addition to safety issues, detecting problem areas through drone data early can save time and money on a project, which we know is essential.

If you’d like to know more about trends in construction, please visit our Michael Page advice section. Also, if you’re looking for qualified talent with experience using this kind of technology, reach out to our expert consultants today.