Family working together at a kitchen table with a laptop and books.

No one job is ever easy. When you’re trying to maintain a position or advance professionally, it can be hard to imagine that anything, or anyone, else could challenge or rearrange your professional plan. But advancing your professional career doesn’t mean sacrifice of your personal ambitions, especially if one of your goals is to become a parent. 

For parents, it can be hard to balance what it means to be a full-time caregiver to a little human and a full-time professional. Here are some of our tips to making it work:

Finding Balance 

Neither side of the scale should be consistently heavier than the other, though sometimes things will be slightly askew. It’s all about figuring out what needs to be moved and prioritized to keep the as much balance as possible. The hierarchy of importance will constantly change within that scale, so it’s important to know what immediate needs must be met on either side. To achieve one goal on one side, the other side must lighten. 

And no, this preverbal “scale” isn’t always going to be perfect, but having the awareness that something needs to give if goals aren’t being met will help you prioritize and ultimately do what’s best for you and your family. 

Find Employer Support

Some companies and positions allow for this balance to come easier. Employers may offer childcare amenities among the list of benefits offered, or they may allow for a fluid work schedule so that if a situation does arise the parent doesn’t have to feel stuck.

Pay scale can also provide a balance in the work/parent life. For instance, Gravity Payments Founder and CEO Dan Price said that raising the pay scale at his company allowed for his staffers to have better balance in their personal lives, including the room to start families. The idea here is to be able to compromise with your employer. If a tough conversation needs to be had because your needs are not being met, have it. 

There is no ultimate “How To” guide when it comes to parenting, especially when your professional career is involved. Even so, awareness of personal goals on either side is a great place to start. 

For more professional insights, or help finding a new opportunity, please browse our advice section or reach out to one of our expert recruitment consultants today.

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