adaptability in the workplace

In uncertain times, the need for adaptability is certain.

Several factors currently impact a range of U.S. businesses, including economic conditions and advancing technology.  

An uncertain future solidifies the need for adaptability. A healthy level of agility is key, whether your business is going through a transitional period, or you want to ensure your team is prepared for anything (e.g., new technology, skill gaps, labor shortages, etc.). Keep reading for the importance of adaptability in the workplace and tips to improve your workforce’s resilience.

Benefits of an adaptable team

Adapting to change in the workplace is often easier said than done. However, take comfort in knowing that when you do, you’ll open your organization up to the following rewards.

Improved employee satisfaction  

In a survey by The Conference Board, 58% of employees said they would leave their job due to a lack of professional development. Our research also revealed that over 20% of employees asked for increased access to training in the last 12 months.

The simple fact is employees want to learn and grow within their roles! Managers, use this to your advantage! Identify opportunities for workers to improve their skills, especially those that make them more responsive to change.

Enhanced collaboration

In unpredictable circumstances, a united team can generate comfort and productivity. Encourage your employees to share ideas, maintain frequent communication, and support one another by asking questions or offering help.  

Drives innovation

Some factors impacting your business may be beyond your control, but how your team responds to them isn’t one of them. Adapt to uncertain times by adopting innovative solutions, which can fuel both employee and business growth.  

Fostering an innovative environment will also help prepare your team for future change—a strong plus of an adaptable workforce. Give employees the autonomy to explore their creativity and arrive at new solutions.

Tips to improve adaptability

Get on the same page

Communicate any pressing circumstances to your team. Need to generate more leads? Are sales down? Is customer satisfaction declining? Whatever the issue, don’t leave your employees in the dark. Instead, make them aware of the situation and, just as importantly, ensure your goals are aligned across the board.  

If there are no situations needing immediate change, you should still try to future-proof your team. For this, the same rules of transparency and collaboration apply. When your team has a shared vision, they can create solutions to meet and exceed expectations.

Lead by example

As a leader, you know it’s only natural for employees to take cues from you. They pay attention to what you say and do, especially in times of change. In these moments, it’s important to demonstrate initiative. Some ways for leaders to show adaptability at work include:

  • Communicate clearly and often
  • Stay curious and up to date on industry knowledge
  • Start open conversations and make suggestions
  • Volunteer to help with any projects

Remaining agile not only encourages others to follow your lead, but it also strengthens your relationships with employees and promotes a positive work environment.

Encourage experimentation

Remember: one benefit of adaptability is innovation. This may mean trying something your team has never done before. While straying from the norm can be scary, the results could be groundbreaking.  

When you empower employees to be creative, you open the doors for unique ideas that separate your organization from the competition. Strategize a plan, execute it, and analyze the outcome. If it fares well, amazing. If not, revise or restart with something new. That’s what adaptability is all about!

Learn how to spot adaptable candidates

Our recent Talent Trends report revealed that 34% of organizations found it difficult to hire in the last 12 months. Additionally, 37% of those cited a lack of qualified candidates as the top reason.  

If you need to hire someone new, use this as an opportunity to identify adaptable candidates. Some interview questions about adaptability include:

  • How do you handle change? Tell me about a time you had to adjust quickly.
  • How do you manage work-related stress?
  • What is your approach to learning new skills?

An open role is a prime opportunity to expand your team’s adaptability. However, finding the right person takes time. If you want to take the hassle out of hiring, we can help.  

At Michael Page, we’ve partnered with hundreds of businesses to find the candidate who checks all their boxes. Learn more about our expertise or start a conversation with one of our recruitment consultants. 

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