Two people smiling while working on a computer together in a bright office.

With tech professionals, especially skilled specialists who are in constant and high demand, you face a difficult battle to keep hold of your best tech talent. To retain the cream of the crop, you’ll have to make your work environment more appealing than anything else that comes their way.

Here are five strategies you can use now to keep your tech staff happy, engaged, and on your payroll. 

1. Keep on Top of Market Salary Rates 

Specialists can command a huge market rate as freelancers and contractors, as well as in major tech companies. So, the first step in retaining your tech talent is to frequently review the market rates on offer. It is essential that you communicate to internal stakeholders the vital importance of at least matching – if not exceeding – the going rate and getting budget allocation accordingly. 

Being proactive with pay rises that match market rates is a way to show employees that you genuinely value their input and their wellbeing.

Applying regular pay rises also helps to deter employees from hunting down that market information themselves and perhaps getting side-tracked by the other opportunities that are out there. 

2. Look to the Start-Up World 

With Silicon Valley setting the gold standard for tech employment, it may be wise to look to start-up culture and try to replicate some aspects of what makes tech start-ups so attractive. Tech specialists thrive on challenges and new experiences. 

For an example, Google famously offers 20% time – that is, time to innovate and work on personal interest projects – which has led to some of their flagship products, such as Gmail, Google Maps and Adsense. Others simply offer free lunch as a way to keep staff healthy, well fed, and sat at their desks working. 

Most businesses are, of course, different from start-ups, but you may be able to cherry-pick ideas that will work for you. Often, you can achieve this kind of engagement by offering interesting, varied work that makes use of new technologies and platforms and allows continuous on-the-job learning. 

The best plan is to ask your team what interests and motivates them, then you’ll have an engaged and motivated tech staff. 

3. Offer Great Perks 

If the budget is still difficult to find, there may be an opportunity to make up for it with perks like flexible working options, more leave entitlement, early Fridays during summer, or regular team lunches. Bearing in mind that a tech specialist may work best uninterrupted at home, or even at night, a lenient work schedule can also be a way to get the most out of your team. Some studies suggest that 36% of people would choose remote working over a pay raise for instance. About 37% would even accept a 10% pay cut if they could work from home instead. 

The best way to design a benefits package will be to talk with each individual in your team and negotiate what’s best for them. Parents of young children may appreciate flexible working options; younger employees might gravitate more towards extended leave. The key here is to be accommodating in order to keep your best team members happy. 

4. Invest in Training 

Training and upskilling are extremely important elements of a tech professional’s career. As new technologies emerge, training is required to keep on top of developments. Training may come in the form of in-house professional development, external workshops, and even further formal education – masters, diploma, and certificate courses. 

Training is an investment in both your team’s capacity and in your employee retention rate, so it should be an important piece of the budget puzzle – not an afterthought. IT employees typically enjoy learning new skills, and the opportunity to earn resume enhancing qualifications like CCNA, MCP, PRINCE2, or Certified ScrumMaster are valued by your employees, your business, and your customers. 

5. Discuss Career Path 

To prevent tech staff becoming dissatisfied or restless with their job, it is worthwhile at annual review time to ask what each employee is looking for in their career – whether it’s the opportunity to try new things, to transfer to another location, or a new role or title. 

Then, if a talented team member expresses an interest in moving from pure tech to architecture, or into a management role, for instance, one of the best things you can do as a manager is to help them map such a move within your organization. It’s a key way to show that you have their career interests in mind and that your business can assist them in reaching their career goals, and it will help you win loyalty and trust as an employer. 

You can explore more management insights in our advice section. Additionally, if you are interested in hiring for top talent within your sector, please get in touch with one of our specialist recruitment consultants today. 

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