A diverse group of people huddled together in a circle, smiling and laughing, showing unity and friendship.
Even within the most renowned companies, work can become very stressful or even humdrum at times. Below we've listed ten tried and tested ways to keep your team motivated.

1.  The Power of a Pizza

Taking your team out for lunch is a great way to lift morale and instill a good feeling in the group dynamics. Giving staff something to look forward to, such as pizza, should be something that is planned at least a week in advance.

2.  Public Praise 

Be effusive in praising the efforts of your staff. We all like praise for a job well done, and taking the time to give sincere and genuine thanks to a staff member in front of their peers will boost their self-esteem.

3.  A Beer Brings Cheer 

There’s good reason that a drink after work is the traditional way to bond your team. However, there are many ways for coworkers to have fun together that need not involve consuming copious amounts of alcohol: an ‘Away Day' paintballing or bowling, for example. But if you must drink, don't get drunk in front of your team – it looks unprofessional.

4.  Train All for the Price of One 

Providing people with the opportunity to attend an external training course is a great means of stimulation and simultaneously shows that you are prepared to invest in their development. After they return, encourage them to outline what they've learned to the rest of your team.

5.  Friday Afternoon Fun

Work doesn’t have to feel like work all the time, and every hard working team needs a little downtime. Once a month, a Friday afternoon is often a great time to do something different that keeps people motivated for the following month. Team prizes that combine humor with public recognition will be well received. 

6.  Additional Responsibility

Learn to recognize when a member of your team wants and is ready for additional responsibility. Smart people often crave opportunities for development, figuring that the additional skills they pick up make them more marketable.

7.  Job Title

It costs nothing to improve someone's title but may mean a great deal to him or her personally and the way that they are perceived in the workplace.

8.  Demonstrate Integrity Every Day

Nothing destroys team morale and cohesiveness more quickly than a boss who no one trusts, particularly one who plays team members against each other. You must be prepared to demonstrate integrity and stand up for your staff at all times.

9.  Be Flexible and Gracious

Sometimes staff members may have to take time off unexpectedly. Try to be gracious and accommodating about such requests. In return, staff will often work exceedingly hard to make up for lost effort. Indeed, when happy, we're all more productive.

10.  Clear Goals to a Rewarding Career

People need clear goals for the short and medium term at work. Do your best to provide those objectives and steer staff toward meeting them.
Are these motivation techniques not enough to keep some of your employees happy? Check out these top tips for retaining staff.

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