Man wearing headphones, engaged in a video call on a laptop, sitting at a cafe with a cup of coffee.

As more businesses are utilizing remote processes for their interviews, there is a good chance that you will need to do at least one of these video calls in the near future.

While this may feel different from what you are used to, there are a few advantages to this type of interview. Here are some video interview tips to make sure you present yourself in the best light during the interview.

Power, Connection, and Your Device

It may seem obvious, but if you are using a laptop make sure that it is properly charged or plugged in throughout the interview. You do not want to get cut off in the middle of your conversation. Make sure you choose a location with a good internet connection, too.

If available, use a desktop or laptop computer instead of a tablet or phone. This way you will not have to hold the device and risk a shaking screen that will frustrate your interviewers. It will also free up your hands, enabling you to be more animated when you are explaining your experience or talking about your experiences at work.

Light, Background, and Wardrobe

Try to arrange your space so that there is a good source of natural lighting. Otherwise, ensure you have strong lights overhead and slightly behind you. Shadows can make you look strange and your interviewers will want to see you clearly. A light, neutral background is best.

Treat the video interview in the same way as you would a normal interview. Do not dress down in a t-shirt and jeans just because you are not in an office. You need to look as professional and put together as you would if you were meeting for a face-to-face interview.


You need to be away from all distractions when you sit down for your interview. Choose a quiet room somewhere and make sure that any family members or roommates are aware that you should not be disturbed.


A practice run before the interview is essential. You want to ensure that you look good, you can be seen clearly, and all the equipment is working properly.

A huge advantage of video interviews is that you can have notes and resources handy. Set them just above the line of the camera and no one will even know you are using them.


Make sure your camera is set in line with your eyes. If it is too high, the interviewers will see the top of your head and if it is too low your face will be distorted. You want them to be able to see your head and shoulders clearly, so do not sit too close or too far from the camera.

During the interview, do not make the mistake of looking at the person on the screen. Yes, when they are speaking to you, you should be picking up on body language signals, but when you are giving your answers, try to look into the camera.

Pause Before Speaking

Video interviews often have a slight delay. Like on news broadcasts, it is a good idea to wait a few seconds before responding to a question. You do not want a situation where you accidentally end up rudely cutting your interviewer off mid-sentence.

If you are preparing for a video job interview, it is important to remember that this type of meeting can be less stressful than face-to-face interviews, which puts you at a significant advantage. As long as you prepare your set up properly and do your research prior to the interview, you should be well placed to make a strong impression on your interviews.

If you’d like more interview insights, please browse our Michael Page advice section.