Person climbing ladder to reach flag amidst clouds, gears, chat bubble, and stopwatch on a blue background.
In today’s world, competition is fierce in the job market. There is an abundance of jobs that businesses are recruiting for but a skills shortage among candidates. Businesses are laser-focused on recruiting “top talent” and will fight to secure it. One way to ensure you are future-proofing your career and forging a path to success is to upskill yourself.

When moving roles, most professionals are looking for the chance to develop themselves and step up in their careers. If you want to keep up and increase your chance of landing your dream job, upskilling is crucial.

Identifying the Right Skills

Before you can upgrade your skillset, it is important to recognize where your skill gaps are. In every sector, there are top skills that benefit every business when they are tapped into and added to their team.

Technological skills are needed in every industry, so make sure you’re up to date on software, analytics, and any other platforms relevant to your field. Also, ensure any certifications you’ve earned are up to date. For example, if you’re in construction, you may to check and see if you can achieve an updated safety certification.

Find out more about the skills you need to drive your career forward this year by exploring trends in your industry. We can help you through our advice page, which has many industry insights as well as general job search tips.

Future-Proofing Your Career

As the recruitment market continues to develop with the changing attitudes of professionals and employers, the demand for skills changes alongside it. Make sure you’re subscribed to updates from industry-specific publications and stay on top of trends in the market.

Widen your network and be active on platforms like LinkedIn. See what leadership is saying and explore any references or new ideas that you come across. If you do this for a few minutes each day, you’ll slowly build your repertoire of knowledge.

You could even learn about a class that will propel your career just by keeping your finger on the pulse of your field. Taking these classes is not only a great way to learn and grow, but also a good talking point during an interview. It shows that you take initiative and are dedicated to growing your skillset. This will make your more attractive on the job hunt.

If you’d like to learn more about advancing your career, please reach out to one of our expert consultants today. You can also submit a resume and browse our job listings here.