Woman on coins faces ladder leaning on taller stack of coins.

Advocating for yourself in the workplace can be daunting. Asking for a better work/life balance, flexibility in your schedule, change in position or location, or a salary increase requires the proper planning and preparation.

If you’re looking to get a pay raise, first know exactly what you’re asking for and why by using market data and industry research. Once you have collected all the relevant information, prepare a presentation to your supervisor or Human Resources department. You can start with these helpful tips:

Pick the Proper Venue

It’s all about timing and location. Ask for a meeting with the stakeholder who determines the pay scale and let them know you would like to discuss your current salary and expectations. If a physical face-to-face meeting can’t happen, then arrange a virtual one instead. The goal here is to be able to have a conversation that can really convey your feelings and passion.

Typically, asking for a raise annually is the way to go. Having a yearly discussion gives the chance at a full calendar year to learn, develop and grow your skills even more. This can be in the beginning of the fiscal year, or when you reach your yearly anniversary. Some employers will automatically offer a annual increase that line up with performance reviews. Check with your HR department if you aren’t sure if there is already a pay raise plan in place; if there is, then you can be even more well prepared for when the time comes.

Strengthen Your Case

There are a lot of different reasons to ask for a raise. It can be due to general inflation and cost of living, or it can be that the market rate for your position has increased. If your skills are being utilized more and your results are reflective of the hard work and input, then those are your primary talking points.

Use this meeting as a chance at an open dialogue. It’s possible that depending on your company structure, the person in charge of pay scale may not realize the hard work you put in on a daily basis. Answering questions and being able to clearly and professionally state your case will increase your chance of success.

Perfect Your Delivery

Be clear and strategic when making your case for a raise. Know your worth and have confidence in your delivery. Try to ensure that your facts and evidence play the primary role in your argument and refrain from letting emotions color the meeting.

While your passion for your job will help you make your case, heightened emotions and taking opposition personally will not. Keep a level head and answer questions with authority. Anticipating what questions may be asked will help here. Find that right balance by practicing, perhaps with a friend or family member.

If you’d like some more career insights, please browse our advice section or reach out to one of our expert consultants today.

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